Singing Guide: Songs from the Middle

Singing Guide: Songs from the Middle

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning How to Sing like John Legend

John Legend is a highly acclaimed singer, songwriter, and musician who has gone on to become one of the biggest names in pop and R&B music. With his amazing vocal range and unique style, Legend has become an icon in the music world. If you want to learn how to sing like John Legend, there are a few things you need to start with.

The first step is to listen to his music closely and try to understand his unique style. One great place to start is with his hit ballad "All of Me," which showcases his ability to sing with both power and tenderness. Some other great songs to listen to for inspiration are "Green Light," "Used to Love U," and "Save Room."

Once you feel like you have a good grasp of his style, it's time to start practicing your vocal technique. One of the most important things to focus on is breathing, as this is the foundation of good singing. Check out Singing Carrots’ articles like "Breathing Basics" and "Breath Support" to start working on this crucial skill.

Another key part of John Legend's singing style is his use of chest and mixed voice registers. Singing Carrots’ videos such as "Chest Voice Explained" and "Mixed Voice" can help you to work on this aspect of your singing technique.

In addition to these technical skills, it's important to work on your stage presence and performance skills. Singing Carrots’ articles like "How to Overcome Stage Fright" and "Tips for Performing on Stage" can help you to develop these skills and become a confident performer.

Overall, learning how to sing like John Legend takes practice, dedication, and a lot of hard work. But with the right resources and some focused effort, you can develop the skills you need to sing like a legend yourself. Start by checking out the relevant resources on Singing Carrots and immersing yourself in his music to get started on your journey towards becoming a better singer.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.